Yanko Design - Form Beyond Function

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Alien Teaches Geography

Posted: 17 May 2012 01:50 AM PDT

Alien Eye is an educational toy that makes learning Geography fun and interactive for children. The device uses Cloud Technology and Internet to its advantage. Children can learn about culture, people, animals, plants and buildings in different location around the world using simple and interesting methods. The device is built of two parts: an observation gadget and a terrestrial globe with built-in RFID. More info inside.

This is how it works:

  • First, children can take the observation device and look at different places on the terrestrial globe.
  • Then, the observation device will read the RFID code in the terrestrial globe and link to the Internet to search the pictures that match the RFID code.
  • After that, the observation device will shows those pictures on its screen and it will speak out the key words about the picture.
  • Children can simply point the observation device to the places on the terrestrial globe and they will learn all the world geography and culture through this interesting toy.

Designers: Hsin Ya Huang & Kai Lang Huang

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
(Alien Teaches Geography was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Cultivate a Green Habit

Posted: 17 May 2012 01:41 AM PDT

There is no doubt that visual representation has a greater impact than some random numbers. So if I can see how much extra power my sub-standard air conditioner is consuming in comparison to a graded one, I'm more inclined to get it changed or restrict its usage. Likewise with other appliances and gadgets. Eco,Pulse is a great visual tool that educates you on your power consumptions and energy wastages. The goal is to help you reduce your carbon footprint and build energy efficient home. Something we should all consider, given our depleting resources.

Eco-pulse works by visualizing the electromagnetic fields as pulses on its display and thus allows the discovery of power usage that would otherwise remain hidden to consumers. It is intuitive as it amplifies the electronic pulse of appliances like a stethoscope. When appliances are in standby mode, Eco-pulse also enables the detection of vampire power that is being wasted. The pulse reading appears in different colors and amplitudes to indicate the level of power usage or wastage. The user can record the data by pressing on the capture button located on its right side. Upon capturing all the necessary power consumption data, the user can detach the strap and plug Eco-pulse into a computer to transfer the data into the Eco-pulse software. Here, the Eco-pulse system helps the user to pinpoint the main sources of power usage and wastage and thus allows him to take remedial action easily.

Designers: Lim Wan Xuan & Tang Xueling Jane

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
(Cultivate a Green Habit was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  3. Zen Habit While Dining, But Only For Kids

Fancy Framework

Posted: 17 May 2012 12:01 AM PDT

Francesco Faccin’s Traverso table exaggerates the primary supporting beam as both a functional part of the structure and an aesthetic detail. The unique ash wood construction and color variations emphasize the central, robust beam to create a sense of balance and strength. Sure to be a timeless piece for the classic craftsman or modern loft alike. 

Designer: Francesco Faccin

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
(Fancy Framework was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Listen Here!

Posted: 17 May 2012 12:01 AM PDT

One of the best things about visiting new places is getting in on the secret spots where locals love to hang. Listen Here is a service that connects tourists with locals, allowing them to listen to live audio transmitted by portable microphones that have been left by locals in their favorite hangouts. The user can gain a sense of the atmosphere before choosing where to visit, making it easier to experience the true local lifestyle! Hit jump – check vid!

Designer: Nicola Hume

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
(Listen Here! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

No related posts.

Loopy Lighting

Posted: 17 May 2012 12:01 AM PDT

Free of excess, the stripped-down LOOP lamp offers a simple and unique way of directing light where you want it to go. LOOP’s electrical cables have additional functionality as they both suspend the lamp and allow the user to adjust the angle of the light. A clever, contemporary design that looks good both off and on!

Designer: Quentin de Coster

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
(Loopy Lighting was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  3. Less is More Lighting

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