Daily designer news

Daily designer news

Make your kitchen cooler with these 10 gadgets

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 06:17 PM PST

As a designer, whether you do graphic, web or industrial design, your friends will expect to see cool gadgets and designy things when they come visit you. In this article, I picked a few kitchen items that will make you meet your friends expectations.

1. Robot tea infuser

The coolest tea infuser around. If your friends want a tea, this will surely impress them. And if they want coffe, serve them tea anyway to show your cool robot tea infuser.

2. Salt and Pepper ‘Bots

Yep, robots again! But to add salt and pepper this time. When you invite people to eat, don’t use any salt when cooking, it’s the best way to get your guests to notice your salt and pepper shakers.

3. Yellow submarine tea infuser

Beatles fans rejoice, you can now combine your love for the band with your love of tea.

4. Psshh! Bottle Opener

The first bottle opener that tells you what sound it will make.

5. Robot Corkscrew

Because we never grow tired of robots, I give the robot that will help you open your wine bottles.

6. Jazz ice cube tray

For your groovy evenings, sipping whisky while listening to some jazz.

7. Pastasaurus

The cutest possible way to serve pasta.

8. Measuring Matroyshkas

This was a clever idea to make some cool measuring cups that are easily stackable.

9. Pandie panda bear salt’n'tepper shaker

I’m not sure if these salt and pepper shakers are really pandas, but they are really quite cute.

10. Squid Peeler

Peeling vegetables is probably the most boring part of cooking, this squid peeler should help to entertain you.

Greenpeace “become David” ad campaign

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 06:14 PM PST

I’m not sure about the efficiency of these ads for Greenpeace, but I can tell you for sure that the illustrations are wonderful. Via Designboom.

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